What are the major changes to api q1 9th edition


While informative index Annex  B of the API Q1 9th Edition clearly gives the summary of the changes between Q1 8th edition and 9th Edition in tabular fashion, however for those  who do not have immediate access to Q1 9th edition annexes – here is the brief summary of what is changed ( Thirteen 13 NEW KEY requirements of API Q1 9th edition)
Q1 9th EditionQ1 8th Edition
1Competency determination is to be done formallyNo requirement
2Legal( statutory and regulatory) and Other applicable requirements are emphasized through out the standardThis is demanded in isolation
3The QMS is not expected to be established, documented, implemented and maintainedThese were implicit and hence were hard to audit against
4Risk assessment is to be done formally and methodically and reviewed periodicallyNo such requirement
5Risk assessment has to be done for product quality and delivery and has to be communicated to clientNo such requirement
6Contingency plan to be developed based on risk assessment and  to be communicated to the clientNo such requirement
7Critical products and components to be determinedNo such requirement
8Critical Suppliers to be determined and initial evaluation of critical suppliers can be done in one of three defined waysNo such requirement
9Maintain evidence of capability to produce products as per agreed requirementsNot so specifically and explicitly required
10PQP _ Product quality plans to be made and shared with the clientNo such requirement
11Storage  is now no more just a “ under  the carpet” activity. The storage area  has to be designated and stocks have to be inspected at predefined intervalStorage is not given much attention
12Preventive maintenance is now comprehensive . It requires a procedure   with frequency and responsible person explicitly called forPreventive maintenance is not given explicit attention and no specific requirements are mentioned
13Management of change- Major requirement for API Q1 9th edition – this puts the client in control and reduces practical RISKS on site because of product quality – if  implemented  in spirit .. this requirement makes API Q1 9th edition a much more sought after than any other QMS standard in pipelineNo such requirement

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